Other Data Sources ------------------ Web interfaces are constantly evolving and so there is constant evolution in this space. There are a number of noteworthy Python packages that integrate into the PyData ecosystem that are more narrowly focused than pandas-datareader. Alpha Vantage ============= `Alpha Vantage `__ provides real time and historical equity data. Users are required to get a free API key before using the API. `Documentation `__ is available. A `python package `__ simplifying access is available on github. Tiingo ====== `Tiingo `__ aims to make high-end financial tools accessible investors. The `API is documented `__. Users are required to get a free API key before using the API. A `python package `__ simplifying access is available on github. Barchart ======== Barchart is a data provider covering a wide range of financial data. The `free API `__ provides up to two years of historical data. A `python package `__ simplifying access is available on github. List of Other Sources ===================== `Awesome Quant `__ maintains a large list of packages designed to provide access to financial data.